NATS Logo by Example

Key-Value Intro in Key-Value

The key-value (KV) capability in NATS is an abstraction over a stream which models message subjects as keys. It uses a standard set of stream configuration to be optimized for KV workloads.

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require "nats"
require "nats/kv"

Get the NATS_URL from the environment or fallback to the default. This can be a comma-separated string. We convert it to an Array(URI) to pass to the NATS client.

servers = ENV.fetch("NATS_URL", "nats://localhost:4222")
  .map { |url| URI.parse(url) }

Create a client connection to an available NATS server.

nats =

When the program exits, we close the NATS client which waits for any pending messages (published or in a subscription) to be flushed.

at_exit { nats.close }

We create the KV bucket with a history of 10 entries per key. The default history is 1, which only stores the current value of each key.

kv = nats.kv.create_bucket("profiles", history: 10)

We can use the put method to set the value of a key and get it back out with the get method. If a key does not exist, get returns nil.

kv.put "sue.color", "blue"
if entry = kv.get("sue.color")
  pp key: entry.key, revision: entry.revision, value:

We can change the value by calling put again.

kv.put "sue.color", "green"
if entry = kv.get("sue.color")
  pp key: entry.key, revision: entry.revision, value:

The update method takes the key, value, and the revision to update from. If the specified revision is not the current one, the update will fail and the update method returns nil, giving you a mechanism to detect conflicts when modifying keys.

puts "Updating sue.color: 'red' from revision 1"
unless kv.update("sue.color", "red", 1)
  puts "Could not update, invalid revision"

When we call update with the current revision, it succeeds and returns the current revision. We then refetch the current value to check ourselves.

if kv.update("sue.color", "red", 2) && (entry = kv.get("sue.color"))
  pp key: entry.key, revision: entry.revision, value:

NATS::KV::Bucket also provides []= and []? convenience methods so you can get and set values as if they were a Crystal Hash. The assertive [] method is not provided, however.

kv["sue.color"] = "pink"
if value = kv["sue.color"]?

You can also watch for changes to a key or key pattern. Here, we watch for changes to "sue.*" and then grab an Iterator.

watch ="sue.*")
iterator = watch.each

Here we set some properties and then call Iterator#next to get the entry for those keys.

kv["sue.color"] = "purple"
entry =
pp key: entry.key, revision: entry.revision, value:

kv[""] = "pizza"
entry =
pp key: entry.key, revision: entry.revision, value:

Once we’re done watching a key, we call watch.stop.


We can look at all of the keys in a KV store with the keys method.

pp keys: kv.keys

We can also filter the keys with a pattern as we would normal NATS subjects.

kv["nats.kv"] = "pretty great"
pp filtered_keys: kv.keys("nats.*")

We can also get the history of a key or pattern of keys

puts "History:"
kv.history("sue.*").each do |entry|
  pp key: entry.key, revision: entry.revision, value:

You can replicate the history method by passing include_history: true to watch and calling each with a block. NATS::KV::Entry#delta is how close to the end of the key’s history you are.

watch ="sue.*", include_history: true)
watch.each do |entry|
  pp key: entry.key, revision: entry.revision, value:
  watch.stop if == 0


{key: "sue.color", revision: 1, value: "blue"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 2, value: "green"}
Updating sue.color: 'red' from revision 1
Could not update, invalid revision
{key: "sue.color", revision: 3, value: "red"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 1, value: "blue"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 2, value: "green"}
{keys: Set{"sue.color", ""}}
{filtered_keys: Set{"nats.kv"}}

{key: "sue.color", revision: 1, value: "blue"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 2, value: "green"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 3, value: "red"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 4, value: "pink"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 5, value: "purple"}
{key: "", revision: 6, value: "pizza"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 1, value: "blue"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 2, value: "green"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 3, value: "red"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 4, value: "pink"}
{key: "sue.color", revision: 5, value: "purple"}
{key: "", revision: 6, value: "pizza"}


Note, playback is half speed to make it a bit easier to follow.